Introducing Your IMI and AIM Subgroups
By Shared-Use Mobility Center
Sep 6, 2021
Hello IMI and AIM Grantees! Congratulations, you are one of 49 agencies across the United States to have received grant money from the FTA to explore innovative mobility options in your community. Curious to meet your peers? Click here and here for a full list of IMI and AIM Grantees and project descriptions.

A gathering space has been created for five subgroups of IMI and AIM projects that share certain aspects of innovative mobility. This gathering space is a monthly meeting for subgroups to exchange knowledge by sharing lessons learned, providing project updates, explaining challenges, and brainstorming ideas with other grantees to support the success of your projects.
Subgroup meetings are for IMI and AIM Grantees only. Check out the five subgroups!
Mobility On Demand
- Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency
- Baldwin County Commission
- Bay Area Transportation Authority
- Cecil County, Maryland
- City of Boulder, Colorado
- City of Wilson, North Carolina
- Greater Hartford Transit District
- Guam Regional Transit Authority
- Independent Transportation Network (ITN)
- Iowa DOT
- Memphis Area Transit Authority
- Pelivan Transit (Grand Gateway)
- Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation
- Wake County Human Services
- West River Transit Authority d/b/a Prairie Hills Transit
- Whatcom Transportation Authority
Multimodal Data Integration
- City of Highland Park Michigan
- Delaware Transit Corporation
- Georgia Regional Transportation Authority for Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL)
- Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation (IndyGo)
- Kootenai County Public Transportation
- Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Alaska
- Minnesota DOT
- Pinellas Suncoast Transportation Authority
- Regional Transportation District
- San Joaquin Regional Transit District
- Tompkins County, New York
- Transit Authority of the Lexington Fayette Urban County Government (Lextran)
- City of Arlington, Texas
- Connecticut Department of Transportation
- Kansas City Area Transit Authority (KCATA)
- Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County (Houston METRO or METRO)
- Western Reserve Transit Authority
Payment Integration
- Crawford Area Transportation Authority (CATA)
- Memphis Area Transit Authority
- Monongalia Urban Mass Transit Authority dba Mountain Line Transit
- Montgomery County
- NEORide
- River Cities Public Transit
Novel Data Applications for Improved Service Delivery and Behavior Change
- Capital Area Transit System (CATS)
- Central Ohio Transit Authority
- Kitsap County Public Transportation Benefit Area
- LA Metro
- Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA)
- Oregon DOT
- Pioneer Valley Transit Authority
- Rhode Island Public Transit Authority
- Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon
*Note that these subgroups are a mix of IMI and AIM grantees to maximize learning opportunities, and may be modified as projects develop.