A Ready! Driver Shares His Story
By Shared-Use Mobility Center
May 8, 2023
As part of our initiative to find new ways to capture and elevate mobility on-demand (MOD) drivers’ voices, we are pleased to share the perspective of Malik N., a driver for the Memphis Area Transit Authority (MATA)’s Ready! microtransit pilot.
Malik’s story
Malik, a Ready! On Demand driver for MATA, enjoyed working and being part of the Ready! program. He worked with the program for nearly 3 years, where he then transitioned into a road supervisory role.
“The basics of the job included picking up and dropping off customers at their pre-requested destinations… we had live on the spot training and guided hands-on learning. I was privileged to also be a trainer for the Ready! program and assisting with new hires.”
When asked about the differences between On-Demand work and other positions he previously worked in, Malik said that “On-demand differed because I was working with a wider variety of people versus a set group of individuals… we had consistent interactions with people of all ages.
It was high paced with minimal operators, so it challenged us to be organized and attentive to details.”
After being asked if he would recommend this type of work to others, Malik said, “I would, and have, recommended the Ready! program to individuals who enjoy structured, high-pace work.” Malik added, “I did enjoy working and being apart of the program… the ability to aid people in a timely and precise manner, and the operators and dispatchers worked well together.”
Download a copy of Malik’s story below:

Bringing MOD drivers’ experiences to the forefront of MOD conversations adds a valuable perspective that can make for better systems for passengers, operations staff, planners, dispatchers, and drivers alike. Thank you to Malik N. and MATA for helping share this story.
For more information on MATA Ready!, watch a Ready! rider share her story, or check out our case study on the Mobility Learning Center.
Our effort to capture drivers’ stories is ongoing, and could use your help! If you are a transit agency or operator of mobility on demand services and would like to participate in this project, contact us at mic@sharedusemobilitycenter.org for instructions and interview questions.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please email us at mic@sharedusemobilitycenter.org.