End of the Year Roundup 2021
By Shared-Use Mobility Center
Jan 6, 2022
Happy New Year! The team at the Shared-Use Mobility Center is excited to look back at 2021 and highlight some of our favorite moments from this past year!

- IMI and AIM Grantees Join the Mobility Innovation Collaborative
25 Accelerating Innovative Mobility (AIM) grantees joined 24 Integrated Mobility Innovation (IMI) grantees. Through the Mobility Innovation Collaborative (MIC), AIM and IMI grantees attend monthly subgroup calls, share lessons learned, discuss ideas, and connect with each other! Subgroups expanded from three groups to five groups reflecting new areas of mobility innovation.
- Launch of a Mobility Innovation Collaborative Website and Newsletter
The launch of the MIC program prompted the creation of the public MIC website featuring grantee projects, posts on social media, and technical assistance tools, as well as a dedicated MIC newsletter to share program announcements and project updates. We hope you are enjoying these resources.
- IMI Projects on the Mobility Learning Center
As MIC projects progressed, grantees started to share their lessons learned through the Mobility Learning Center case studies. Case studies include a detailed description of the project as well as an interview with the MIC project lead.
In March, the Mobility Learning Center case study featured the Bay Area Transportation Authority’s (BATA) IMI grant project, Link On-Demand. During the interview, BATA’s project lead Eric Lingaur reflected on the impacts of Link On-Demand, saying, “Both on our staff side and in our rider side, doing more with less is what we’ve seen from applying an on-demand model to our traditional demand-response dial-a-ride services.”
In November, the Mobility Learning Center featured the City of Arlington’s Rideshare, Automation, and Payment Integration Demonstration (RAPID) IMI grant project. In a conversation with SUMC, Arlington’s Principal Planner Ann Foss emphasized that “Our operating area is providing a lot of lessons learned for the AV technology.”
Looking ahead to 2022, SUMC will work with other MIC grantees to create case studies for the Mobility Learning Center as a way to share lessons learned and innovative solutions from your projects with the public.
- The MIC Technical Assistance Team Is Growing
This past year, Nate Seeskin, Manali Sheth, Hani Shamat, and Alex Rosander joined the Shared-Use Mobility Center and the Mobility Innovation Collaborative team. They bring wonderful experience and skills to the team, and we’re excited to continue working together and with grantees.
We are looking forward to working with all of the grantees in 2022 and helping projects in any way possible. If you have any feedback for the MIC team, please use the “Feedback” button at the bottom of this page. See you in the next subgroup call!