End of the Year Roundup 2022
By Shared-Use Mobility Center
Jan 4, 2023
Happy New Year! The team at the Shared-Use Mobility Center is excited to look back at 2022 and highlight some of our favorite moments from this past year!

- Meeting You at Our First In-Person Workshop in Chicago
One of the biggest highlights was being able to meet some of you in person at the MIC Workshop in May 2022 in Chicago. The Workshop was filled with wonderful presentations about flexible funding opportunities, innovative funding for mobility projects, and capturing ridership data.
We recorded the workshop’s technical sessions in this blog post write-up, First MIC Workshop Event Recap, as well as captured on video the 1:1 interviews with IMI and AIM grantees in the YouTube playlist, May 2022, Mobility Innovation Collaborative Workshop, Chicago.
We ended the activities of the day with a hybrid meeting for the MIC subgroup, followed by a happy hour!
- Learning From Each Other and From Guest Speakers At MIC Quarterly Meetings
During subgroup calls, we learned so much from listening to each other and have made note of some recurring topics that inspired deep dives into those topics during the MIC All-Grantee Quarterly Meetings.
During the three virtual quarterly meetings following the in-person workshop, we continued to prioritize creating a safe space to learn about and discuss zero-fare transit services, changes in partnerships, and universal basic mobility pilots.
These topics have directly inspired the following case studies and recaps.
- Zero-Fare Transit
- Recognizing and Adapting to Changes in Partnerships
- Universal Basic Mobility and Mobility Wallets Pilots
Thank you to everyone who has presented and shared their story!
- Capturing Your IMI and AIM Project Stories Online
The Mobility Learning Center (MLC) is powered by the Shared-Use Mobility Center and is a web-based platform where you can explore the many possibilities of shared mobility. At the MLC, you will find tools, articles, multimedia, and other resources covering a large range of mobility-related topics. The MLC featured wonderful content including the following lessons learned and interviews with IMI and AIM Grantees:
- Using COMPASS to Navigate Cecil County, MD, Cecil County
- Partnering to Reduce Missed Medical Appointments, Pierre, SD, River Cities Public Transit
- A County-Wide Transformation of Demand-Response Service into Microtransit, Baldwin County, Alabama, Baldwin Regional Area Transit System (BRATS)
- One Account, Many Transit Agencies: Integrating Transit Payments with NEORide EZfare, Stark Area Regional Transit Authority
- Bridging the First and Last 5 Mile Gap: Microtransit in Northeast Wake County, NC, Wake County Department of Health and Human Services
- Meet Nine Grantees from the Mobility Innovation Collaborative, SUMC
The Mobility Innovation Collaborative (MIC) website is a platform dedicated to featuring grantee projects, posts on social media, and technical assistance tools. The MIC featured content to support grantees as well as the following lessons learned written by IMI and AIM Grantees.
- The Lynden Hop Stops Here, Whatcom Transportation Authority
- Innovative All-Electric Fast Ferry Zero-Emissions Marine Transportation, Kitsap Transit
- A Ready! Rider Shares Their Story, Memphis Area Transit Authority
- Encompass: Enhancing Mobility for Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities, Greater Hartford Transit District
- Improving Access to Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) for Mobility Impaired Riders by Using Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), Kansas City Area Transportation Authority
- About LA Metro’s Travel Rewards Research Pilot, LA Metro
- Visit Kansas City Area Transportation Authority’s Garage to Learn About Their Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), Kansas City Area Transportation Authority
- Creating Tools and Resources For You
We have loved packaging programmatic announcements, relevant webinars, NOFO opportunities, newly published content from the Mobility Learning Center and Mobility Innovation Collaborative, and news about your IMI and AIM projects in a monthly newsletter.
Are you a MIC participant organization that hasn’t seen these newsletters come through in your inbox? It’s not too late! Check your spam and if you still don’t see it, contact Manali to be added to this MIC resource!
- Continuing to Support Mobility Innovation Projects
We are looking forward to working with MIC grantees in 2023, supporting your projects’ implementation, sharing the lessons learned from your demonstration pilots, and navigating with you the transition to new service models.
If you have any feedback for the MIC team, please use the “Feedback” button at the bottom of this page.
See you all at the next MIC meeting!